+Mega Watt

Total Capacity           

K metric tons

Carbon Emission prevented

+ Projects

Commissioned in 5 years

+ Manpower

Total Number of employees

About Us

Leading the
Energy Front

At Kundan Green Energy, we go Beyond Business.

Committed to fostering internationally benchmarked sustainable energy alternatives for India’s energy security and growth, we play an incrementally significant and growing role in transition to a sustainable future. This is demonstrated through execution excellence, best corporate governance practices, environmental and social responsibility. And is reflected in the trust stake-holders repose in us. Embedded in sustainability, since 2017 we play a growing role in India’s transition from fossil fuels towards green energy. With the total capacity of 355MW.

Commissioned projects

Our Work

Kundan Green Energy has been at the forefront of renewable energy development. With 10 successful projects spanning 88 MW over the past 5 years.

Hydro Solar Waste Energy Pipeline

Our Growing Impact

Making a lasting and meaningful difference in the world of green energy.

With a present growth rate averaging between 32% to 34%, our future projections indicate even more promising outcomes, with an anticipated growth rate of 50% from 2026 onwards.

Leading India

Towards a
Greener Future

By 2025, Asia is expected to account for half of the world's power consumption, with India witnessing the highest growth in demand at 81% above its current level of 140 billion units of electricity. India has set ambitious goals to meet the growing demand by expanding non-fossil fuel energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030, achieving 50% of energy needs from renewables by 2030, reducing carbon emissions by 1 billion tons by 2030, lowering carbon intensity by under 45% by 2030, and ultimately attaining net-zero emissions by 2070. Kundan Green Energy is emblematic of India’s belief, which inspires us to have confidence in meeting the aspirations of India.


Meet Our Clients

We take pride in our diverse portfolio and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact and inspiring others to embrace renewable energy solutions.